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How to complete 4000 battle points quickly less than 2 minutes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
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Want to Buy a Hero Continue? Here are 10 ways to complete Battle Points Mobile Legends!
BP aka Battle Points is one of the most profitable currencies in Mobile Legends. Battle Points for various things that can support and improve your performance, such as increasing the level of the emblem, buying a hero, and buying chest.
Collecting Battle Points is one of the important things for you who want to explore the Mobile Legends game. Surely you don't want to play with that hero-that's right? You also really want to compete with other players by increasing your favorite symbol level.
Now, to support you to collect Battle Points, will provide tips on how to collect Battle Points Mobile Legends quickly and efficiently.
Without further ado, this is how to collect Battle Points Mobile Legends and spend them efficiently.
1Using a Double BP Card
Battle Points Mobile Legends 1
Use Double BP Card.
A Double BP Card that serves to multiply Battle Points makes you successful. To get this card, you can share the results of the match to social media or from chests / missions. If you have a lot of diamonds, you can also buy at the shop.
Well, but you don't just use it using Double BP Cards. Because, there is a maximum limit of 7500 BP every week that you can collect in Mobile Legends. If you have exceeded this limit, you can already use Double BP Card, then you cannot use additional up to 9000 BP.
This is the new Hero Legends that you have to buy when you release later!
Many new heroes continue to appear on Mobile Legends. These new heroes will make big changes. The BP tube from now on is better, in order to feel yourself using these new heroes. Here he is pointing to the best Mobile Legend new hero you want.
Also read
Use Double BP Card which contains you almost past the 7500 BP threshold. That way, you can gain more Battle Points for Mobile Legends up to 9000 BP, 1500 more than the normal amount. Not bad.
When will our BP be reset to 0? According to the clock server, the week will end on Monday at 20.00 WIB. So if you have calculated that hour, you will not pass 7500, the Double BP Cards don't need to be used. Just save the next time.
2Clean open your chest
Battle Points Mobile Legends 4
There are two types of chest:
Chest medal
Mobile Legend Legend Medal
This is a daily chest that can be used to raise money. 10. This medal depends on your performance in a match.
If you get an MVP degree, the medal medal will go straight, if you get a silver medal, then you must have two collections to open this chest.
The chest medal will open every 12 hours. This chest can stack up to two, in 24 hours you can simultaneously use these two chests if you have enough medals. Keep in mind this is one of the biggest BP sources on Mobile Legends, so you find it every day!
Free Chest
Free Chest
Free Chest Available every 4 hours and stacked up to a maximum of two. So if it has passed 8 hours, there will be no new Free Chest that appears unless you take it.
Battle Points that can be used here are really, but because the frequency is quite frequent and available without effort, then it won't hurt you to take this chest.
Daily Rewards 3 cheat
Battle Points Mobile Legends 9
Collect up to 800 points in time so we can get a decent additional BP.
This new reward system from Mobile Legends allows you to collect a total of 230 BP every day by reaching 130 activity points. If multiplied by 7 days, then you can collect a total of 1,610 BP.
If you can collect 800 points of activity for a week, you can get 500 BP more than the bonus chest.
The key to this daily prize is your consistency in playing Mobile Legends, Very with friends. By playing with friends, you have the opportunity to get more activity points.
4Selling Hero Trial
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