New Skin for Balmond – Ghoul’s Fury
Balmond is one of the veteran heroes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.
You can get him by spending 6500 BP or 299 diamonds. And for now, he already got 2 hero skins: Primal Fury (price: 50 skins fragments or 299 diamonds ), Ghoul’s Fury (price:399 diamonds).
His main role is Fighter. But based on his statistics which is dominant on durability,most people (also those Pro Players) play him as semi-tank fighter. You can see by how most player built this mele type hero. But before jump into the item builds, let’s take a closer look for this hero.
As it said in his speciality: Crowd Control / Regen. You can see how it come by look at his skills and abilities.
Bloodthirst (Passive):This is one of the factor that make Balmond is a hard-to-kill hero. It will be your way out when out of HP, and HP regen spell already used and in cooldown.Kill as much as possible minion to restore your HP, and the other benefit is you don’t have to recalling back to base that make you losing time and exp (because minions already killed by turret or your allied minions when you’re back at your post). Also in team clash, the more you get kills or assists, the longer you can fight in the front line. It will boost your HP since it have no cooldown.
Soul Lock (1stSkill): This skill have so many situations to be used in. First, it can help you clean up a line of minion. Second, you can use this skill when chasing enemies, once you hit the enemy, it will slow them down so you have the time to use your other skills. Also for the opposite situation that you try to escape from enemies. This skill will give you a good gap with your chasers. Third, this skill is what make you a good team clash initiator. You can surprising enemies by jump into their crowd, this skill will slow them down, then use the second skill to deal them continuous damage. Oh, and also you can use this skill to go thru a wall, it’s good for chasing and escaping.
Cyclone Sweep (2ndSkill): This one is also make you a good pusher, since it has wide range of damage. You can easily clean up minion waves. And of course for the team clash. Continuous damage and wide range of damage.
Lethal Counter (3RDSkill/Ultimate Skill): This is what make Balmond have a good skills combination. After 1st skill that deal damage and slowing enemies down that will give you time to deal as much as possible damage with your 2nd skill. Then come this ‘finisher’ skill, one hit skill with big damage and wide range area of damage. The lower your enemy’s HP the bigger damage will dealt to them, you can easily finishing them by this skill. Remember, this is a widerange area of damage skill, you can hit multiple enemies when it was in a team clash. You can also use this skill when chasing enemies since it has slow down effect too.
These are the recommended emblem sets to equip on Balmond.
First recommendation is Physical Emblem Set. Physical emblem set give you additional physical attack, armor, crit strike chance, HP, and attack speed. Another reason is physical emblem fragment is one of the easiest emblem fragments to collect, since it was your first unlocked emblem set.
The second recommendation is Fighter Emblem Set which give you additional physical attack, armor, magic resistance, movement speed, HP, and attack speed. It more complete than physical emblem set (-critstrike chance), but it has magic resistance that will really usefull for your role as a front line fighter. You have big chance to get attacked by mage type heroes, so this magic resistance will help you. But the lack of this emblem set is, it require some level and stardust to be unlocked.
And some player also use Tank Emblem Set and play Balmond as full tank role. But IMO,it’s not really effective. You have to notice that Balmond's second dominant statistic is his offense. If you want to play full tank, I recommend you to pick the other pure tank hero, instead of turning Balmond into it. But depend on some conditions, you can experimenting this (ex: there’s none of your teammates picking tank hero, and all of them picking marksman, or mage typeheroes. Lol)
And now let’s jump into Balmond’s recommended item builds.
This is my recommendation builds for Balmond, with some optional item change depend on situation.
Main Items:
Blade Armor gives you +90 armor, and IMO this good for Balmond for early games. He can jump into early fight cause it have both defensive and offensive effect. Armor for your defend, and the unique-passive will give a counter damage everytime enemies hit you.
Balmond need to be as close as possible to enemies so he can launch his abilities and deal damages. Additional 40% of movement speed wil help you to do it, and it also give armor for defend, and the passive, which is so good for Balmond defend.
I found that this brand new item is perfectly fit with Balmond. Most Balmond offensive move come from his abilities. And with the unique-passive of Bloodlust Axe, it give additional point for Balmond's durability. It just like strengthen the Balmond Passive ability. Also cooldown reduction is so good, that make Balmond spam his skills more often.
Another defensive and offensive item. Cursed Helmet's unique-passive really fit with the close range type hero like Balmond. With Blade Armor, Cursed Helmet give extra damage after the damages that enemies took from Balmond's skills. For defensive, it give 920HP which is a good amount of HP. And magic resistance to reduce magic damage that you receive from magic type hero.
One of the most essential item for Balmond build. 800 HP and magic resistance is good. But the unique-passive is what make you really need this item.
This pure defensive item will bold the hard-to-kill hero status on Balmond. After Balmond passive, Bloodlust Axe’s unique-passive, and with additional of this item (+75 REgen HP and unique-passive that also has regen effect too), Balmond become 'The Regen and Durability King’.
Optional items change:
This optional items change it depends on situation and condition you meet on the pitch. So be smart on changing item, make sure you don’t make blunder with it.
You can replace Bloodlust Axe or any other item with Blade of Destruction for more offensive play and gain more critical strike chance. It can be work when you have another tanky hero on your team. So you can be a damage dealer or maybe finisher after your tanky allied hero initiate a battle.
The same with Blade of Destruction, Blade of Despair gives you more offensive play. You can replace Bloodthirsty King or any other item with this item.
This one is different from two above. I recommend you to use Heart of Steel when you face condition that your enemy’s team have good damage dealer(s) (like marksman) with huge amount of damages and critical strike. Armor, HP regen, and the crit strike rate reduction will give you more time to deal damage to enemy’s heroes, especially for the damage dealer. This one is for your durability.
For battle spells. I have 3 recomendation for you.
My fisrt choice (that I always use too) is Execute. Deal a good amount of true damage that will make you easily punish your enemy.
The next recomendation is Arrival. Arrival will help you move to any spot in map as long there is your allied minion or turret. It can make you easily help your friend in ganking, team clash, or chasing enemies, even at that moment you're in different lane.
The last recomendation is Purify. This spell is really usefull when enemy's team have stunner, knocker, or any other hero that can make you turn into abnormal conditions.
But you can experimenting other battle spells. Every single of them have their plus and their lack. So be wise.
Tips for Gameplay
You’re a good team clash initiator. So be brave to start a battle, don’t scare to be killed, you have the plus point on durability. But ya, keep smart and be wise before doing any action.
Don’t focusing to have a full AD build like Freya, Alpha, or other fighter heroes. Balmond is different, He is a contiuous damage type hero. So focusing on your durability build is one of the best.
Your 2nd skill can use to farm faster, you can hit multiple jungle mosnters by using this skill, so you can save time.
In case your team stuck on pushing enemy’s turret because their solid defends. Be the one who do a turret stealing. You’re good at pushing since you can clear up a wave of minions in just seconds with your 2nd skill. And your 1st skill will help you moving faster from lane to lane.
Another good thing you have to notice from Balmond is, Balmond is a no-mana type of hero. So you don’t to worry to spam your skill (especialy for the 2nd skill) as much as possible.
Ok, that’s all that I can give you right now. Hope you guys like it. By keep playing, you will learn more than this with all of your experiences. So, good luck and have fun.
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