Ini Dia !! New Hero Hanabi Super Keren Burst Damage Mobile Legends Bang ...

Hero Baru Mobile Legends!? Hanabi Si Musuh Kagura Dari Scarlett Shadow

Mobile Legends merupakan salah satu game mobile bergenre MOBA yang saat populer di Indonesia saat ini.

Para pemain fanatik pastinya ingin selalu menjadi yang terdepan mengetahui segala informasi mengenai Mobile Legends agar bisa tetap terus beradaptasi akan update yang bermunculan. Salah satu yang tengah ramai diperbincangkan di forum Mobile Legends saat ini adalah kehadiran hero baru bernama Hanabi.

Mobile Legends sendiri memang punya beberapa hero yang belum dirilis ke publik seperti Ashura yang sangat gencar diberitakan sebelumnya. Nah apa salahnya kamu mengetahui lebih dulu mengenai Hanabi untuk mempersiapkan sumber daya yang kamu miliki

Berikut ini bocoran mengenai sang ninja Hanabi yang telah muncul beberapa hari belakangan ini untuk Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends Hanabi Hero

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Skill Hanabi

Hanabi nantinya akan memngisi role Initiator/Poke yang pastinya akan sangat berguna menghabisi musuh secara perlahan maupun memulai pertarungan tim agar posisi tim lebih mengutungkan. Pastinya ini akan menjadi tambahan yang cukup berarti karena Poke dapat merusak komposisi lawan secara bertahap.

Mobile Legends Hanabi Skill

Sejauh ini belum ada keterangan secara jelas skill apa yang akan dimiliki oleh Hanabi karena pihak Mobile Legends memang belum meluncurkan hero satu ini ke Advance Server. Namun, melalui bocoran yang ada, Hanabi akan memliki skill pasif bernama Equinox serta skill aktif Higanbana dan Mystic Python. Sedangkan untuk serangan Ultimate dinamai Flying Scarlett Flower sesuai dengan nama ajaran asal Hanabi.

Latar Belakang Hanabi

Hanabi sendiri dikabarkan akan mempunyai cerita latar belakang yang cukup dekat dengan hero Hayabusa dan Kagura. Hanabi yang telah dilatih menjadi ninja sejak kecil akhirnya menemukan Hayabusa sebagai orang pertama yang berhasil bertahan melawannya dan terus ingin bertarung setiap bulan purnama muncul.

Kehadiran Kagura yang selalu membuat Hayabusa tersenyum dan tertawa membuat Hanabi merasakan amarah di hatinya. Hal ini lah yang menjadi pendorong utama Hanabi untuk mengambil nama Scarlett yang dimiliki oleh orang tertinggi di ajaran Scarlett Shadow.

Mobile Legends Hanabi Lore

Tanggal Rilis

Belum tahu secara pasti kapan Hanabi akan rilis ke sever publik untuk bisa digunakan oleh semua pemain Mobile Legends. Pastinya Hanabi akan terlebih dahulu rilis untuk Advance Server sebelum bisa muncul di Public Server, jadi tunggu saja informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Hanabi.

Sebaiknya kamu lebih memperhatikan Martis si Raja Ashura yang akan dirilis pada 20 Maret 2018 mendatang karena akan menjadi saingan Alucard.

Mobile Legends New Hero Hanabi Lore, Stats, Price, Abilty, Gameplay and  Skills in Mobile Legends Bang Bang.

New Hero Hanabi Lore/Background Story

Hanabi received the teachings of the Scarlet Shadow  Ninja sect’s Supreme Grandmasters from a young age, exhibiting natural talent, that far exceeded any of her peers, until she met a young shadow ninja called Hayabusa. This was the very  first time the proud Hanabi came across anyone who could hold their own against her.

Whenever tge moon was full, Hanabi would try to find ways to provoke this young shadow ninja into dueling with her, however, she could never defeat this youngste, who fused spiritualism with shadow techniques to create a new powerful style.As the two of them slowly grew up together, it begun to dawn on Hanabi that this young shadow ninja carried the burden of an inescapable fate.

Hayabusa was in fact destined to challenge and kill the Legendary former Shadow of Iga for his betrayal of his clan. After the two ninjas fought, Hayabusa would lied on the ground, staring at the full moon in the sky, the refelction of the moonlight in his eyes quietly burning in Hanabi’s heart.

Having never felt this kind of feeling before, Hanabi bacame very distressed. Whenever she saw Hayabusa and the young spiritualist girl known as Kagura smiling and laughing as they greeted each other, her heart would fill with inexplicable rage and vexation. When she heard that Habusa would become the Clan’s nect Shadow, she decided to take on the name Scarlet, and from the scarlet vault of the Supreme Grandmaster, she stole her sect’s forbidden weapon --- Higanbana. Hanabi decided that she challenge her age-old rival to one final competition, and now her one aim in life is to find and kill the disgraced former Shadow before Hayabusa does.

Hanabi - Holy Blade

Role Marksman

Speciality Burst/Regen

Price 32000 BP/599D

Hanabi Stats

HP 2510

Mana 390

Physical Attack 115

Armor 17

Physical PEN 0

Lifeteal 0

HP Regen 30

Mana Regen 15

Magic Power 11

Magic RES 10

Magical PEN 0

Speel Vamp 0

Movement Speed 245

CD Reduction 5%

Attack Speed 0.85

Crit Strike Chance 0%

Hanabi Skill

New Hero Hanabi Skill

Passive - Ninjutsu: Equinox

The Scarlet Shadow's secret technique. When Hanabi has full HP, 100% of health that would have been granted from lifesteal is converted into a shield for up to 20% of her MAX HP. When this shield is active, Hanabi is immune to all control effects.

Ninjutsu: Petal Barrage

Hanabi consumes mana to unleash the flower demon sealed within the Higanbana, firing petal blades at her enemies. After each basic attack hits, a new blade will spawn and deal physical damage to the enemy. Fires 3 petals. Passive: Hanabi's gains 7% Lifesteal. which will increase by 3% each time this skill's level is upgraded.

Ninjtsu: Soul Scroll

Fires a kunai in the specified direction, attached to a scroll sealed with demonic flower energy. Deals 300(+80% Total Physical ATK) physical damage to enemies it hits along the way and slows them by 60% for num3(+0%)

Forbidden Jutsu: Higanbana

When you see the leaves, you cannot see the flowers, when you see the flowers, you cannot see the leaves, and when the flowers open, the leaves die, Hanabi completely unlocks the Higanban's seal and lanches it at the enemy, After hitting an enemy, the Higanbana blooms, dealing 400(+100% Total physical ATK) physical damage and immobilizing them for 2s, then spreads to nearby enemies, After a certain period of time, if the enemy is still within range of the Higanbana, a new flower will appear, causing the same damage and immobilization effect. The spreading effect only works once per hero.
