TRICK Mendapatkan BATTLE POINT !!! Secara Cepat di Mobile Legends Lucky Spin NEW HERO ZHASK
Cara Mendapatkan BATTLE POINT !!! Secara Cepat di Mobile Legends Lucky Spin NEW HERO ZHASK
Hey guys what’s up! so have got a new hero guys, Zhask, the planes Dominator. and we have a chance to get a sneak peak on the description of his skills and abilities. We have the price which is 599 diamonds and 32k BP. However, we still don’t know how the hero looks like. And I really doubt that 70% off discount in the first week. They usually just do 30% so maybe it’s just a typo. SO anyways guys, let’s go check out his skills.
Now it’s a bit confusing because there are way too many skills listed here, but we still don’t know how the hero works so we’ll just read all of the skills guys.
Hero Characteristics:The first four skilled mage!Zhask strikes at enemies through their nightmares.
Skill 1:[Nightmaric Spawn]– In the set location summon the physical form of the Nightmaric Spawn, the Nightmaric Spawn cannot move and will automatically attack nearby enemies. Every 2 basic attacks will fire a death ray at the enemy. The Nightmare Spawn’s stats scale with skill level.
Now from the sound of it guys, it seems like you’re gonna summon an attacking unit that can’t move from it’s spot. If you’ve played dota before guys, I think it’s gonna be like Rhasta’s Wards, or Viper’s wards. Wherein the unit just stays in one location and attacks anyone that gets near it, minions and heroes alike. So from this one skill alone guys, you can already tell that it’s already gonna be a different hero compared to the current mobile legends hero. Since, no other hero has a skill with that function.
Anyways guys, Skill 2:
[Nightmaric Intrusion]– Fires a transparent spirit projectile at the target direction, the targets struck will be dealt magical damage.
This skill sounds pretty basic guys, it’s your typical poking skill that most hero has.
Next up guys is, Skill 3:
[Hivemind Duplicates]– Fires in the targeted direction a series of Nightmaric Spawns, after a few hops and skips they will burrow under the ground and become mines. They will explode prematurely on contact with enemies and slowing them. If they have not come into contact with an enemy, they will burrow underground and attack passing enemies.
Another unique skill by this Zhask hero guys. Now we’ve got mines on mobile legends guys. From the looks of it guys you can use it prematurely as well. and I wonder how players will set up the mines on the game, Like what kinds of strategies they’ll start to come up with.
Next up:
Ultimate:[Dominator’s Descent]– Substantially increases the power of the Nightmaric Spawn, increasing their attack rate, damage and defensive capability.
Passive:[Eradication]– Will self implode simultaneously with the Nightmaric Spawn, dealing true damage. Zhask only has one goal: Eradication.
Whoa guys, we have got a suicider on Mobile legends. Like that Techie on Dota. This is insane guys, with this new hero it looks like we’re gonna have fresh and different gameplay compared to your usual heroes. It’s good that mobile legends is adding this kind of new stuff guys.
Anyways, what do you guys think of this new hero? Is he gonna be Overpowered or is he gonna feed. Immortality already sounds good for him guys. Anyways, comment down below what you think guys. That’s it, thanks!
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